MIAMI Florida: More than 40 children shocked with stun guns while visiting prisons in April may not have been the first ones zapped, a report released yesterday noted. A corrections officer told investigators she saw a similar series of "demonstrations" at a prison about five years ago......er no actually three years ago...mmmm... a year ago??? Jeez!! Actually it was jus last week Friday!!
The report included hundreds of pages of documents gathered during investigations ordered after the Department of Corrections learned children aged five to 17 had been shocked at three Florida prisons on April 23, which was the state "Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work" Day.
Three employees were fired and two resigned. More than a dozen others were disciplined.
No children were seriously hurt or taken to hospitals.
At one prison, those who had been shocked were told they could be first to get hot dogs and hamburgers for lunch, according to the report. Some even asked to be shocked and laughed like lunatics afterwards.
Some children were shocked individually while others were part of a circle where children and officers held hands so the shock would be passed around. (I am sure they are just saying this to turn me on...!!)
Despite an officer's recollection of a similar demonstrations in 2003 and 2004 at a shocking Florida Panhandle prison, this year was the first time anyone reported one, spokeswoman Gretl Plessinger said.
The report also confirmed what officials had said earlier -- that some children's parents were asked for permission for their brats to get the treatment but others were not. Department of Corrections secretary Walter McNeil has said previously that even though some parents had given permission, that did not excuse officers.
Unlike a Taser, which shoots a probe that delivers a shock, the devices used at the prisons were stun guns, which work when touched to a person's skin and affect a smaller area of the body.
The result is two temporary marks that look like mosquito bites. The marks may later turn into bruises about the width of a pencil eraser.
Parents later noted that some kids appeared to have been bitten by a pair of rabid mosquito's on their genitals, but it was in fact the stun gun aftermath.......