So there one was, minding ones own biz so to speak on a quiet country lane near Cambridge when to my surprise I spied a female form coming nonchalantly my way in the distance. At first I did not notice much apart from the scarf, jackets and boots. You know how it is first sparrows, one does not take it all in at first.....
Well, said specimen, one Margaret Caruthers - student of Communist studies at Cambridge University (what else?) had apparently been quite vocal about her firm belief in her unshakable knowledge of everything that could not be refuted by anyone.....
She ran into Jeeves at said Uni Bar and well the rest is history...... Not been one much interested in tits, Jeeves opted for pants and nickers instead of shirt and bra vis a vis a wager and needless to say said specimen was in somewhat of a pickle rather rapidly as Jeeves cut her up chop chop here and there leaving the poor girl utterly confounded. Well , rather smartly - the poor girl, realizing she was on a loser opted to take the country dash home to res where I was fortunate enough to have spotted her making a furry dash for it.
Woke me up darn quick that did, I say!! Not quite titillatting as I thought.... but something more base stirred in the loins what what!!
What ho Margaret!! Jolly fine jape old girl. Ha ha... Must spend some time at Cambridge soon... I do like stiff lower lips.... tally ho and all that !!