Growing up in South Africa in the 60's and 70's forced a lot of religion down my throat by bigots spanning all walks of society in South Africa. The worst were certain school teachers and political people using the bible to justify apartheid.
Being of insanely curious mind and engaged in a never ending quest to make sense of life the universe and everything, the bible caused me a great deal of problems to digest and swallow without question. It seemed to be referring to a schizophrenic God with serious multiple personality problems and all over the badly engineered and woefully tacked together tome are a million and one contradictions that made no sense to me at all.
For example, in the beginning God is either high or he is talking to other PEERS, when he says "Let US create man in OUR own image". Here we have the concept of a whole clan of Gods openly stated for the first time.
Immediately one is saying "Er OK, but what the Fuck??!!".
This biblical statement that I first read at age 11 was the beginning of the end of religion of all forms as we know it on planet earth as far as I was concerned.
Inconsistencies, lies, contradictions, vengeance, getting even, murder, greed, slavery, gold, lust, power and family feuds amongst the gods there were by the gazillion in this very entertaining tome
On analysis, all of these things seem to be what religion really seems to be all about. That and the serious abuse of mankind as a whole over 200 000 or so years. The whole thing is disgusting in the extreme and begs the question of whether man deserves to exist at all because in general he seems to be plenty stupid when surrounded by the facts staring him in the face.
Norse Mythology and Greek mythology suddenly seemed more realistic when compared to the christian and other religious bullshit I was reading and in around 1996 I started wondering if these Norse, Greek, Mayan, Vedic and other tales Academia classified as Mythology were in fact a historical record that Religious Bigots had decided was fallacy as it did not line up with their views.
By the age of 15 I had concluded that religion and ALL ancient history as taught in school was in fact a mighty clever plot someone had come up with to control the largely uneducated masses without assigning an "angel" as overlord to each human on earth and was in fact probably complete horseshit on a grand old scale.
I investigated a lot of religions during my 47 years of life on this earth. Not all I hasten to add, but a lot.
When we grew up and went to college/University some of my peers and friends went into very different streams of expertise to pay the bills and such as per their chosen profession. We were later all to have the same hobby as a result of the disturbing inconsistencies with the origins of man and our own unique inquisitive minds that brought us to odds with religious dogma and the crap academia had stuffed down our throats as fact and then ridiculed us when we called on them to substantiate their thinking.
One of my pals was very interested in Dinosaurs and went on to become quite a digger up of old bones. This exposed me to many of the professors and other folks involved with this and I have been on digs and searches myself all over the world and had the opportunity to ask these learned people some very uncomfortable questions. (the joke is the whole thing first started as a crush on one female whose name I now forget).
What struck me about these folks from academia was that they were always caught between Dogma and facts and always wanted to make the facts fit their dogma and unsubstantiated beliefs. This strange behavior perplexed me for many years until I began to understand the human condition a little bit more than I knew it at the age of 21.
Curiously, I found that a whole host of other historical specialists and academia in general nixed whatever intelligence that they had with their Dogma Illusion show.
That is to say that as a result of their religious and other beliefs indoctrinated into them from birth in whatever society across the planet they happened to have come from, they had allowed their "unconfirmed beliefs" to rule their work and as a result almost all work done ever since religion has become a factor is not only dubious its probably all been a complete waste of time or heavily tainted to the point of irrelevance.
My first confirmation of this as of yet unspoken suspicion was when I ran into a great many paleontologists on said digs who could give you great information on creatures that roamed the earth hundreds of millions of years ago. There are fossil records, there is evidence, they had sound plausible theories.
However, when these self same people focused on the subject of the origins of man, whoa!! Insanity and the crazies ruled supreme big time!! Common sense it was not to be found anywhere. Logic to another dimension had fled.
Along with that is the cold hard fact that fossil or other remains of man do not go beyond said 212 000 years ago, the oldest hybrids that have been found are all 240 000 years old. That is it!! Nothing further has ever been found..... What you will find is a million idiots postulating theories as fact that one of the hominids was the missing link, but so far that hominid has not been found.
Then in 1989 the human genome project started to peel back the onion from another unexpected angle and talking to genetics specialists and pals who had branched into this field started to piece the puzzle together in a pretty serious way for the first time on other evidence as to the origins of man. I started to pay attention and take note of the findings as these people had no reason to hide their science with religion for the most part.
So in around 1997 a few of these types kinda put the seal on the fact that all humans had in fact come from a single female in Africa around 212 000 years ago.
The MTA evidence every human carries in his body has these pointers and females carry MTA evidence that cannot lie. It has been decoded and the evidence stands before us as a cold hard fact.
This started to make life very interesting with respect to the origins of man. In my vast studies of various religions and cults over the aeon's started to place what the historians had labeled as "Myth" in the Actual historical records category in a big way.
Suddenly the Annunaki and Sumerian tales as to the origin of man recorded on stone tablets and clay that were dismissed at "Myth" by the muppets in academia mainly because it did not fit their religious beliefs start to make a whole bunch of sense.
If you are one of those religious twits who states "where is the evidence, how come we never heard of it before?", then you are uneducated and need to get yourself an education. The "facts" have been dismissed by religions as "myth". How convenient.........for the church that is. The facts are that creationism stories from all over the earth tell the same story, be it Annunaki, Sumerian, Akkadian, Norse, Greek, Egyptian, Easter Island, South American, African, Asian, European, Indian, whatever/wherever/whoever.
Still, in the face of all this evidence I did not jump to conclusions. I waited 20 years for the evidence and yet more evidence to come to the fore. I was enraged to discover that several religious organizations and cults on this planet have been hiding clear evidence to the truth in their vaults for 1700 years or more that clearly lays out the history and lineage of man from inception some 240 000 years ago when the first experiments began on indigenous earth beings and creatures.
When I first read this I laughed at the notion. Its funny how often in my life I have proclaimed that a notion is completely ridiculous, only to find that is exactly the way it is.
Suddenly, reading ancient vedic texts and original documents from Palestine and Egypt circa 7500 BC on became of paramount importance. So too was the Olmec, Toltec and Aztec history as well as the Mayan one.
Unfortunately, people in power in the Catholic Church, who have been aware of the "real" situation for more than 1700 years at the top of the organization came under the spotlight of scrutiny for me. It turns out our founding catholic brothers were nothing more than a controlling bunch of murderous thugs 7 layers deeper than the Indian thugee cult who murdered millions of people over the ages.
I was not surprised to find that many people charged with translating the early scrolls and new found religious treasures of the time were either summarily poisoned, executed or burned at the stake for translating the texts correctly without having the good sense to add some smart diplomacy into the equation or turn their brain and senses on to the impending danger from within the church itself.
Being a catholic friar or monk charged with early biblical documentation translations was a very hazardous and life limiting experience indeed!! Here were diplomats telling the pope what they dug up said and tactfully asking for the interpretation of the holy see, as mere mortals could not possibly understand what was written. Very clever is this religious shit.....
Those that did not agree and who dared confront the church with their lies were swiftly burned at the stake or worse.
I estimate that over the last 1500 years or so the Catholic church has been directly responsible for the murder and genocide of over 270 million human beings and that is the low side of the estimate. One of my colleagues thinks its almost as high as 600 Million.
Now there is an organization that makes Adolph Hitler look like a rank amateur in comparison!! ( I myself was brought up in a catholic family in case you were wondering).
So, looking afresh at all of this brought me into the company of a vast world of people with like minds who cared less for religious dogma and were only interested in facts.
This has proved a very interesting journey and the subsequent blogs I will write will cover what I have found which may strike cords of resonance with many people who have written books on the subject over the recent past 100 years or so. Some of it you may have written off as science fiction, but think again.......
In addition to scrolls, several stones bearing inscriptions were also found and smuggled out of the point of origin and translated free from dogma and academia pressure from Universities who have also been deeply mired in hiding the truth due to their dogma factor and peer pressure from religious zealots.
This situation is very unfortunate indeed. the culprit is blind religious faith in religions that cannot be substantiated or whose alleged written records can simply not be proven or substantiated in any way unless you examine the original texts and not the crap translations made by various churches and sects..
Basically the entire history of mankind is wrong and contains a lot of bullshit that twists the truth mightily. Several parties made it that way, including ourselves. By ourselves I refer to the greedy human grubs who litter history attempting to look like saints but who were mere money grabbing, power hungry murderers of zero to no conscience or morals and no ethics whatsoever.
The evidence has been around for a long time telling the real story, but these murderous louts have not only grabbed what they could, they destroyed a huge amount of data that was crucial to mankind in the process. All for a bar of gold and the power and control it would bring a select few at all costs.
The fact is the catholic Church are the greatest band of murderers, vandals and desecration artists ever to have walked the face of the planet bar one.
They still hold a great many treasures that are under lock and key for fear of what they perceive mankind would do as a result of finding it all out. Panic, mayhem, anarchy, chaos etc. Please!!
Those that believe the tales and story and even our notion of religion to be sourced from the Supreme Being have serious issues they need to have immediate professional help with.
It seriously is akin believing that the Easter bunny is real. Those of us with a brain have had issues with this situation and many of us lost our lives in the most gruesome way you could ever imagine over the ages challenging it.
In the end, man dies, but spirit won't.
We are in an age of enlightenment. Your religious beliefs will be shaken to the core. This does not mean there is no God, it does mean those that pretended to be God and the things they did need to be seen for what they were and what they are.
You investigate for yourselves and travel the long road I have and you will come to the same conclusion I have. If not maybe the power of your religious indoctrination is the most powerful thing known to mankind!!
The evidence is out there. Hidden in plain sight to boot!!
My next blog will start at what we know as the beginning of mankind with a prehistory as we know it to be told to us by the gods who came here and left these records behind them.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
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