MILANO, Italy — It would take one very large fig leaf to restore modesty to Milan's main park after the installation of a 70-foot floating sculpture of a naked man, or would it?
The balloon self-portrait by Polish artist Pawel Althamer has been hovering outside the Renaissance Palazzina Appiani in Parco Sempione since Monday, drawing second takes, amused looks and disapproving concern about exposing children to nudity.
"To be honest with you, it's nothing new," said Rosaria Mirabelli, mother of 3-year-old Tommaso who stared at the sculpture from the back of his mother's bicycle.
"He sees his father naked. In this park we see so many worse things than a naked man," she said, referring to the park's reputation as a haven for drug users.
On weekday afternoons, the park is given over to mothers, nannies and grandparents with preschool age children in tow, along with a few joggers, cyclists and dog owners.
I do not understand why a person would put, or have a desire to look at, a massive balloon of a naked man. Perhaps someone could enlighten me. The Major giggle here is that the wiener would only require the left wing of a ladybug to cover....Pawel blushes slightly and cowers when the size of his junk comes up for discussion. "I just dunno why it is so small" he stammers....."how big is yours?" At this point it dawns on everyone that Pawel is just a sick perv and this has nothing to do with art at all.....Now there is a serious campaign to line the bastard up against the against the wall, rip his cock off with a Garrot, make him cook it and eat it like in a Silence of the lambs scene....nasty.......but we cannot find a microscope with the right power.....Nasdrovanye..
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