I was reading Herr Heim's Quantum states paper the other day, the one that expanded on the 6 dimensional grid suggestion to a 12 dimensional one with the correct matrix A view and was astounded by the potential use in space travel from a hyperspace perspective.
The fact that everything is connected to everything outside of human perception is quite interesting. Fascinating in fact....This guy was smarter than Einstein. It needs developing if it has not already, and the co-ordinate grid for navigation strikes me as an astounding challenge.
This would only work inside of a space time gravity realm though....Unless my tiny mind is missing something fundamental....Which is an almost certainty...at any rate I wuz wondering if any of you out there had some thoughts on Herr Heims Quantum theories.....
Now I was wondering how to use Quantum Mechanics to make my golf ball appear inside the cup of the green I am being perceived to play after I strike it every time. I think a score of 18 for any golf course I play would take quite a bit of beating..........
Would make tiger look like an amateur.......
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